Best Practices of B.K Community College.

Community College

Best Practices of B.K Community College.
Context Aim Practice
Experimental Learning To equip the students with skills, attitude and knowledge so that they can work for the deprive sections of society. Field visits, On the job training, Entrepreneurship development skills, Value added product class.
Reaching out – for the Community To understand the community in which they live and to understand themselves in relation to their community Giving Guidance and Practical help to start Kitchen Garden to housewives and local women.
Responsibility towards Environment Develop among themselves a sense of social and civil responsibility Eco-restoration Programmes with Forest Departmentd
Empowering Women: Preparing students to meet global demands in education and Laying Foundations for Better Society Students start their own business on Agriculture products and they are taking classes for NGOs.d
Learn & Live with me Spreading the joy of togetherness by spending quality time with children and adults from the center Free Assisting the Old-age homes and orphanages to start their own Kitchen Garden.
Community Resource Center Start a Community Resource Center Farm School
Sustainable Livelihood Registration of SHG To create and maintain Sustainable Livelihood of Self Help Group members so as to eradicate their poverty a project named ‘Pragathy` has been launched.