Department of


The Department of Geology was established in the year 2005. This department is first of its kind in the Mahatma Gandhi University offering the UG programme B.Sc Geology & Water Management sanctioned under UGC-Innovative programme. The department developed through its seventeen years of journey with lots of successful milestones and recently expanded as P G Department of Geology by offering the programme MSc Geology since 2020.

                                                 The Curriculum of the Department include Geology as Core course, Water Management as vocational core course, Understanding the Earth as open Course, English as common course, Chemistry and Mathematics as Complementary courses.

               Academic programmes designed and offered by the department itself (not a part of  university  syllabus) to enhance the subject knowledge are Bridge Course for subject awareness as it is a new stream for students and Certificate course in Disaster Management to provide awareness about Natural disasters and their impacts. Geoforum is another Enrichment programme provided by the department to develop the communication skills, leadership quality and presentation skills of the students.


                Lectures and Webinars by eminent faculties such as Scientists, Geologists, Professors and Subject Experts from various state levels, national and international institutes. Study tour, Institutional visit, Mine visit, Museum visit & Training programs conducted in national level by the Dept. to familiarize the students about various natural resources, their exploration methods and modern equipments in well developed laboratories. ENE (Explore the Nature with an Expert) and WWN ( Walk With Nature ) are the innovative program designed  by the Dept. to enhance the practical knowledge in fieldwork.

                    Indian School of Mines first rank in MSc.Tech in Applied Geology (2014-2015).She secured first rank in Combined Geologist and Geoscientist (UPSC) examination for Hydro geologist (2015-2016). She also won Hadean Medal for Applied Geology at all India level. Presently She is working as Scientist –B, CGWB, Ministry of Jalsakthi, Hyderabad. 


Caroline Louis (Alumnus, 2011), Ammoose K Jayan, (Alumnus, 2017) has been awarded with the FULL BRIGHT KALAM CLIMATE FELLOWSHIP (2022-2023), in USA. She is one among  the 3 students selected from India.



  • Understand the significance of the availability; scarcity and storage of water Understand resources, for the sustenance of life.
  • Practical experience in Water resources Management and techniques of water conservation.
  • Undertake studies and research in Geology and Environmental studies.
  • Understanding the geology through field study


Welcome to Department of Geology .Department of Geology was established in 2005.The Department seeks to combine excellence in education with service to the Society. Our vision is to be recognized as an innovative and societal responsible Department which molding the students to explore their best in both academicals and extracurricular activities. Our goal is to provide students with a balance of intellectual and practical experiences (through Field visit, Mine Visit, Industrial Visit to various states of India) that enable them to serve the variety of societal needs and importance of Geologists in our country. In our department students are nurtured to become best human being with social commitment and professional skills to serve the country with their practical knowledge. I am proud to mention the career achievement of our alumni in the past 17 years; Innumerable students from our department made indelible mark nationally and internationally in the field of Geology. Several members of our alumni cleared the UPSC and State level exams and appointed as Gazetted officers at various Central Government and State Government sectors such as GSI, CGWB, Department of Ground Water; Research Scholars and project fellows at various reputed institutes like NCESS, CWRDM and Land use Board; GIS Software professionals at various reputed IT firms in national and international level; as Geologist at various private fields such as mining, oil field, mudlogging,,etc;Our students cleared various national and state level exams such as NET,JRF,GATE & SET and the entrance exams for MSc conducted by various Universities of India (IIT,ISM,Central and State Universities) with high ranks. Many of students are doing their post graduation in various universities of foreign countries .We are having young and dynamic students ; dedicated, sincere and hard-working faculties, whose expertise spans the range of disciplines in Geology stream and a very healthy and innovative method of teaching are the basic elements that comprise the Department of Geology. We have a strong bond between the Department and alumni and proudly and lovingly representing the group as “Geofamily”.We nurtures an attitude of self-reliance, confidence, commitment and responsibility to the society that we are to serve. The Department of Geology believes in building career as professionals with societal responsibility, enriching minds and provides an innovative experience that lasts a life time. I am blissful to observe the prosperous drive of the department as the H.O.D from its infant stage in 2005, through various hurdles and its glorious overcoming with a well equipped department from the past 17 years. I am confident that the students of the department of Geology would justify the credibility of the department by showing a high level of professional competence with societal responsibility in their respective field. I wish Best of Luck to all of them….!!!

  • Museum Renovation
  • PG Water Management lab
  • Installation of PG Practical Equipments
  • Zoom Stereo Microscope with digital USB Camera with Software ( For Micropaleontology Sections)
  • Stereoscopic Binocular Microscope ( For Micropaleontology Sections)
  • Ore Binocular Microscope ( Ore Microscopic Studies)
  • ASTM Mesh -Test Sieves for fine and course sieves analysis