
Vision of Bishop Kurialacherry

Our Heavenly Patron’s Vision of Education

Bishop Mar Thomas Kurialacherry, the first Bishop of Changanacherry diocese was the founder of the SABS congregation. He had a unique vision for effecting fruitful changes in the society and the world at large. “To renew everything in Christ” was his motto. At the time when he walked the earth he identified that a social revolution could be brought about only by enlightening the masses through education. It was his ardent wish that each child be given the chance for material and spiritual learning. (He exhorted the community, through his pastoral letters, to be aware of the ground realities and thereby to eradicate social evils that plagued our society.) He stated that the aim of education is not just cultivating our intellect or gaining information, but the ultimate goal of education is refinement of minds. Values like Faith and Trust in God, Sanctity of Life and Broadness of Heart need to be integrated into our personality as a result of education. Moreover through the kind of education that Catholic institutions impart we should see that the kingdom of God is created in human hearts. The students who pass through our institutions should imbibe noble ideals and virtues and become useful citizens worthy of God and our Mother country. It was his fond dream that women be brought to the main stream of society and they should be well equipped through education to face the challenges of life. With this end in view he launched long range and short range plans, projects and programmes. To give new life, energy and enthusiasm to the young generation he gave instruction to revise and renovate the curriculum of education from the primary to the secondary level. One of his ambitious long range plans was the establishment of centers of higher education of which St. Berchmans’ College stands as his lasting monument. Bearing witness to Christ, and to Christian and human values, he lived an exemplary life and his ideals and principles are still relevant and can be vibrant in our own age and context.


The SABS Educational Policy is decided and determined by the General Synaxis and revised at intervals according to the norms of the Government and the need of the hour. The Congregation is dedicated and committed to Christ in the Holy Eucharist. All the positive energy for building the kingdom of God in the hearts of the people we serve, is drawn from the Holy Eucharist. The congregation has devoted itself to the qualitative renewal of the society that we serve. Establishing educational institutions is our creative response to the challenges and perils posed by the modern society. Training is given to the students to think high, act nobly and respond creatively to the rising demands of the times. Our goal is to effect the integrated development of personality of each student thus silently bringing about great changes in the quality of life of the community around and thereby the world at large. Our prime objective is to mould responsible, God oriented individuals filled with patriotism and the spirit of brotherhood and thus to make this planet a better place to live.